Monday, December 29, 2014

Pokok Jarum Tujuh Bilah - Pereskia sacharosa/saecnarosa

Jarum Tujuh Bilah dikatakan boleh membantu dalam rawatan penyakit kanser terutamanya kanser kolon (usus besar), kanser hidung dan juga kanser lain

more info here : HERE

Keji Beling - Herbs

Kegunaan Keji Beling sebagai ubat untuk penyakit Tumor, Diabetes melitus, Lever (Sakit kuning), Ambeien (Wasir); Kolesterol, Maag, Kena bisa ulat dan Semut hitam;Juga untuk Kencing Batu dan Ginjal.

more info here: HERE

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pengaga/Centella Asiatica

Pelbagai zat makanan seperti protein, gentian, zat besi dan vitamin A dan C.
 anti selulit dan anti kedutan untuk mata, muka dan menambah ketegangan kulit dan akhirnya membentuk kulit baru.

more info here: HERE

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Very good for removing toxin & improve blood circulation, helps improve the natural cleansing mechanism of your entire body, it can help in jaundice situation pain in the bones & joint hypertension & lung assorted disease. It can also speed symptom persists, drink more water.
click more info here: HERE

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Pokok Hempedu Bumi/Akar Cerita - Andrographis Paniculata (King of Bitter Herbs)

Kegunaan penyembuh penyakit:
Tekanan Darah Tinggi
Kencing manis
Batuk Kronik
Merawat Luka

Tidak pahit cuma kelat sedikit

more info click here : HERE

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

More info here - Sabah Snake Grass - Healing & Benefits

Alternative treatments and cure for cancer using natural therapies.
Sabah Snake grass was popular to it benefits in alternative medicine to cure various kind of diseases. Traditionally it was used as a herb to cure snake bite. It is believe that it able to neutralized the poison from the snake. Recently, it is well known for its healing properties such as cure for cancer and kidney failure aliviation.

click here for more info: HERE